Chelsey & Cameron Lake Tahoe, NV Elopement
I love elopements. Remembering, and being present the day you dedicate yourself to your best friend is something that we undeniably all strive for. Elopements make that easy. They allow you to plan out the entire day at a pace that is relaxed. In that relaxed atmosphere your able to take it all in! Chelsey & Cameron definitely recognized this, and planned out the perfect day. To be honest Chelsey may have a future career in wedding planner. Everywhere you looked there was a beautiful hand written note and sign amongst a room full of happy people. It was so nice seeing everyone spending time together at the private cabin in the morning, right up to the ceremony held at Logan Shoals Vista point. Afterwards we spent some time near Emerald Bay and soaked in the beautiful views. I could tell by Chelsey and Cameron's vows and interactions that they have a solid connection and have a solid future ahead of them. All the best you two!
Photography: Danielle (DJ) Fagan
Makeup : Vanessa Luna
Hair: Brittney Dunne